Electronic access for new and old enclosures
The EM Electronic Keeper from Southco, Concordville, Pa., lets companies put electronic access and push-to-close features on new or old enclosures, both large and small. The remotely actuated electronic keeper replaces existing frame-mounted static keepers (or strikes). A signal causes the keeper to release and unlatch the door. And the door can still be pushed closed and locked. Wiring to the keeper is routed in the frame, so repeated opening and closing of the enclosure does not put wear on the wires.
More than one E-Keeper can be installed on larger enclosures and operated from a single remote, numeric keypad, RF keyfob, magstripe card, or networked security network. When installed, the device can be used to monitor and audit when enclosures are opened, or to activate alarms when a specific enclosure is opened. The device can use a 12 or 24-V power supply.