According to a report compiled by IDTechEx, the thermal interface material (TIM) market will soar from 1.7 billion in 2015 to 3.7 billion in 2025. The spike in TIM market value is expected to come with the improvement of high-power, high-heat components that are necessary in faster computers, electric cars and vehicles, wireless telecommunications systems, and in green lighting.
TIMs are used as thermal adhesives, solders, greases, gels, graphite, pastes, liquid, and padding in multi-component systems. In electronics, overheating is a common and critical issue solved by TIM, which increases the thermal conductivity between a hot component and a heat spreader. The thermally conductive TIM fills in microscopic holes between the component and spreader so that heat can disperse quickly to the spreader, which releases heat over a large surface area.
IDTechEx’s Thermal Interface Materials 2015-2025: Status, Opportunities, Market Forecasts report gives the market breakdown for specific TIM markets and applications. It references financial data and uses input from manufacturers. For more information or to purchase the report, click here.