The LiftWalker has two adjustable pads that wrap around the arms Another pad protects the forehead if the patient leans forward too much while they are getting up Ankle pads wrap around the ankles to prevent the LiftWalker from rolling away as the patient walks

Device Lifts Wheelchair-Bound from Chairs and Gets Them Walking

June 11, 2015
The LiftWalker uses Motion Systems Corp.’s 12-V ball drive actuator to bring the person up out of their chair.

The 2015 LiftWalker, developed by medical manufacturer Ideomotion LLC, allows wheelchair-bound people to walk, improving their quality of life with exercise, better digestive health, and bone and muscle strength.

The LiftWalker uses Motion Systems Corp.’s 12-V ball drive actuator to bring the person up out of their chair. Powered by a rechargeable battery, the device has the capacity to lift 1000 lbs.

A thoracic prompt supports the body, while Velcro thigh prompts provide the main support for lifting. The padded prompts distribute force across the thigh muscle so as not to cut off circulation. They were chosen over a lifting harness because of their superior comfort level. Pads for the forearm and elbow are available, too. All pads are one-size-fits-all and adjustable.

While walking, the wheels can be locked in one direction so that the walker does not go off of a path, or start rolling in the wrong direction. Padded ankle braces must be wrapped around the user’s ankles to avoid having the apparatus roll away while the person is using it for support.

About the Author

Leah Scully | Associate Content Producer

Leah Scully is a graduate of The College of New Jersey. She has a BS degree in Biomedical Engineering with a mechanical specialization.  Leah is responsible for Machine Design’s news items that cover industry trends, research, and applied science and engineering, along with product galleries. Visit her on Facebook, or view her profile on LinkedIn

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