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What to Expect from the 2016 IMTS

The International Manufacturing Technology Show is the largest manufacturing technology trade show, with a long history of featuring current and emerging technologies.
Image courtesy of Thinkstock

Coatings and Platings for Protecting Steel Wire

One of the most commonly used forms of steel is wire. But all those steel-wire products would have short lives if they weren’t protected against the elements
Courtesy of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Because the Dynamic Transmission Electron Microscope (DTEM) can capture processes at high temporal resolutions at the near-atomic level—as small as 10 nm, or 100 angstrom—it has proven useful for capturing rapid intermediate steps in reactions found in chemistry, biology, and materials science.

Capturing Phase Transitions in Alloy Processing at Near Atomic Level

The world's only Dynamic Transmission Electron Microscope will be enable us to observe rapid phase transitions in aluminum alloys.

Powder-Metallurgy Processes

An overview of different powder-metallurgy processes found at Metal Powder Industries Federation's site.

Reap the Benefits of Modern-Day Powder Metallurgy

Advances in PM over the years have steadily expanded its market, and now the technology is poised to start taking over other parts-manufacturing processes.
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What’s the Difference Between Investment Casting and Sand Casting?

Though they have been refined through the ages, significant differences exist between the two methods used to make metal parts.
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Microalloying Strengthens Steel

Adding small amount of alloying elements can dramatically boost the strength and hardness of carbon steels.
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What’s the Difference Between Aluminum and Copper in Electrical Applications?

Are myths and misinformation leading designers to use the wrong material?
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Simple Handheld Laser Demonstrates Complete Rust Removal

A video of a handheld laser rust remover has gone viral in the welding and machining world. It demonstrates how the device, developed by Germany-based CleanLaser, totally removes...