Kyocera AVX
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Kyocera AVX Offers Gen II PrizmaCap Supercapacitors for Advanced Electronics Applications

Jan. 2, 2024
Designed with enhanced capacitance, reliability and temperature range, PrizmaCap supercapacitors provide energy storage for a range of electronics applications.

Kyocera AVX has expanded its PrizmaCap line with the Gen II series of supercapacitors. The prismatic electrochemical double-layer capacitors (EDLCs) offers an advancement in energy storage technology.

Key features of the Gen II series supercapacitors include:

  • Higher capacitance, voltage and energy density, which allows for energy storage and use in a range of electronics applications
  • Increased reliability across a wider range of operating temperatures, making them suitable for rugged and demanding environments
  • Rugged design is lightweight with a low-profile SMT package with fixed-position terminals, making them compatible with hand soldering.

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Technical Specifications, Applications

The PrizmaCap SCP 2.5V Series is rated for operating temperature ranges extending from −40°C to 65°C at 2.5V and −40°C to 85°C derated to 2.0V. The HT version’s operating temperatures extend from −25°C to 65°C and −25°C to 105°C derated to 2.0V.

Both series measure 50 mm × 46 mm with varying maximum thickness based on capacitance ratings. They are rated for 2.5V and exhibit S-level tolerance (+30%/−10%). The supercapacitors are lead-free compatible and compliant with IEC 62391-2-2006, UL 810A, RoHS and REACH requirements.

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Gen II PrizmaCap supercapacitors are designed for applications that require pulse power handling, energy storage, power hold-up and battery assist. They are suitable for medical devices, tablets, e-readers IoT and IIoT devices, VR wearables, handheld electronics, Bluetooth keyboards and power peripherals.

About the Author

Sharon Spielman | Technical Editor, Machine Design

As Machine Design’s technical editor, Sharon Spielman produces content for the brand’s focus audience—design and multidisciplinary engineers. Her beat includes 3D printing/CAD; mechanical and motion systems, with an emphasis on pneumatics and linear motion; automation; robotics; and CNC machining.

Spielman has more than three decades of experience as a writer and editor for a range of B2B brands, including those that cover machine design; electrical design and manufacturing; interconnection technology; food and beverage manufacturing; process heating and cooling; finishing; and package converting.

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