GPS tracking boosts perimeter security

July 24, 2003
Cubic Corp., San Diego, plans to work with Satellite Security Systems, also of San Diego, to offer a tracking system that uses GPS technology for homeland defense.

Cubic Corp., San Diego (, plans to work with Satellite Security Systems, also of San Diego (, to offer a tracking system that uses GPS technology for homeland defense. The system has the potential to track vehicles moving around the perimeter of a building or facility that needs high-level protection. Rate of acceleration, turning radius, and speed can be determined and displayed in real time, say company officials.

The system includes PC-RIS, a Cubic software program that produces maps showing precise location of stationary or moving objects or vehicles. While many tracking systems use cellular technology, using GPS satellites reportedly is more reliable and offers better geographical coverage, with a reach extending across North and South America.

"The system has great potential for home-station training of troops, for hazardous-material vehicle tracking, or for port security officials or emergency-response personnel," says Mike Steel, Cubic vice president of Defense Solutions.

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