Conexpo and IFPE expect to draw 100,000 visitors to Las Vegas. |
It will be collocated with Conexpo-Con/Agg 2005, which will showcase the latest equipment, services, and technologies for construction and related industries.
The two events will be held March 15 to 19 at the Las Vegas Convention Center and expect to host more than 100,000 industry professionals from 120 countries.
IFPE will feature over 300 exhibitors, making it the largest event in North America for the motion-control industry. It is intended for professionals involved in all segments of the power transmission and control industries, including construction equipment, on and off-highway vehicles, mining and logging machinery, amusement equipment, and factory automation.
The IFPE 2005 Technical Conference comprises 98 presentations on subjects such as modeling and simulation, testing, filtration/contamination, biodegradable hydraulic fluids, mechanical drives, and motion control. Speakers represent 44 companies and 21 universities from 15 countries, illustrating the global scope of the conference. Presentations range from the theoretical to hands-on troubleshooting, and all have been reviewed by industry leaders and academic experts to ensure the conference meets current designengineering needs. Papers will be published as the Proceedings of the 50th National Conference on Fluid Power (NCFP) and will be available in print or CD-ROM format.
Complementing the conferences is a new Best Practices Learning Center. Presented by experienced fluid-power experts from Milwaukee School of Engineering's Fluid Power Institute, the center will feature interactive sessions on fluid-power basics; electrohydraulics and motion-control strategies; and reliability, maintenance, and troubleshooting for mobilehydraulic systems.
Conexpo-Con/Agg 2005 will feature more than 2,300 exhibitors and 1.85 million square feet of indoor and outdoor exhibit space, making this year's show the largest ever. Show management attributes the positive numbers to a stronger economy, including pent-up demand to replace aging fleets, coupled with the show's reputation as a global "one-stop" source for comparison shopping, industry educational programs, and networking opportunities. As in past shows, Conexpo will group exhibitors in product-specific areas to help attendees more easily find equipment and companies. Product groupings include asphalt, aggregates, concrete, earthmoving machinery and attachments, engines and components, trucks, utilities, and aerial lifts and cranes.
The exhibition will also feature an Information Technology pavilion. This "show within a show" focuses on the latest software, hardware, telecommunications equipment, and services related to the construction and construction materials industries. And a seminar program will include more than 115 educational sessions on industryspecific trends and technology subjects, as well as general management and personal-development topics.
New this year is an International Forum offering market updates on key countries such as China, Mexico, Brazil, and Russia. The forum also includes networking receptions for attendees and exhibitors interested in making international business connections. Admission is free to all registered attendees and exhibitors.
In addition, the shows will host several international pavilions highlighting products, innovations, and services developed outside the U.S. Countries represented include China, Finland, Germany, Italy, Korea, Spain, Taiwan, and the United Kingdom.
IFPE 2005 and Conexpo-Con/Agg 2005 will be held in Las Vegas from Tuesday, March 15, through Saturday, March 19, 2005. Show hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. For more information, visit and