The new MaxLock 350 five-axis Anglock vise reduces part lift and clamps parts for continuous five-axis cutting of complex pockets, sculptured and contoured surfaces, and intricate 3D features with repeatable high-precision accuracy.
The MaxLock delivers up to 10,000 lb of clamping force at 60 lb-ft of input torque and permits rigid, obstruction- free, highspeed machining in all five axes. Designed with machined steel components, the vise has a 0.625-in. stroke for a wider range of clamping before changing the setup. Its modular design adjusts to handle desired clamping lengths and is limited only by the size of the machine table. The vise is available with screw lengths of 8.00, 12.00, 18.00, and 24.00 in. with jaw openings of 0.5 to 15.5 in.
The vise has quick-alignment features and mounts on 2-in. grid patterns when removed from the riser and “T” slots or center-hole grids 100 mm (with the long riser) and under. It has ½ or 5/8-in. holes for fast mounting on risers using sine keys.
Kurt Manufacturing Co.
Industrial Products Div.
9445 East River Rd. NW
Minneapolis, MN 55433
(877) 226-7823