The Low VOC spray adhesives, available in six versions, meet CARB/OTC/VOC requirements and are Greenguard Children & Schools certified.
Foam Fast 74 bonds many foams and fabrics with foam-tearing strength. Features include a soft nondimpling glue line, variable-width glue lines, and low VOC <25%.
Super 77 multipurpose bonds foils, plastics, papers, metals, and cardboards. Features include low soak-in. long open time, and low VOC <25%.
Hi-Strength 90 bonds woods, laminates, polyethylene. polypropylene, and metals. Features include high coverage, variable-width lace spray pattern, low VOC <25%.
Hi-strength 94 ET bonds laminates, woods, and particle board. It has a long open time, a nontelegraphing pebble-spray pattern, and low VOC <20%.
Silicone spray, with low VOC 60%, lubricates and is fast drying and long lasting.
Adhesive remover (low VOC <20%) features extended dwell time, no residual film, and is fast acting.
3M Industrial Adhesives and Tapes Div.
Building 220-5E-06
St. Paul, MN 55144
(800) 362-3550