A line of linear-shaft supports, with removable top clamps, allow for easy shaft removal as well as reassembly without upsetting the critical alignment between parallel shafts. The supports maintain their base-mount position, letting them return to their exact original position during reassembly.
The precision-machined supports come in anodized aluminum, so they are more than 50% lighter than conventional cast-iron or steel supports.
Two styles are available. The SBL Series is a drop-in replacement for the most industry supports with the same mounting hole locations, base dimensions, and shaft height. Their overall height is slightly shorter. The LPB Series is a lowprofile support with the lowest possible shaft height for clearance of ball-bushing pillow blocks. Both styles are available in shaft diameters from ½ to 2 in. and from 8 to 50 mm.
Ondrives.US Corp.
216 N. Main St.
Freeport, NY 11520
(888) 260-7466