Terraloy BP 70010 and 70011 polylactic acid (PLA) compounds let manufacturers of electronic housings and components use substantial amounts of bio-based content in their products without sacrificing mechanical and thermal properties provided by engineering thermoplastics (ETPs).
Based on alloys of PLA and ETPs, Terraloy provides similar or greater strength, stiffness, and heat-distortion temperature in comparison with standard polycarbonate, ABS, and PC/ABS blends while including 40 and 36% levels of bio-based content, respectively.
Potential applications for the new compounds include injection-molded housings, handles, covers, and other components of electronic devices, medical equipment, and consumer products.
Teknor Apex Co.
Bioplastics Div.
505 Central Ave.
Pawtucket, RI 02861
(800) 556-3864
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