The oilless Picolino rotary pump and compressor is designed for a variety of applications, including medical, vacuum lifting, laboratory, air sampling, sewage aeration, and printing. The quiet, pulsation-free pump comes in two configurations – the DTE (pressure) with inlet silencer, pressure-relief valve and outlet tube connector, and the VTE (vacuum) with outlet silencer and tube connector.
Features include 3.5 m3/hr to 12.0 m3/hr (2.06 cfm to 7.6 cfm) maximum flow; pressure to 1.0 bar (14.5 psig); and vacuum to 150 mbar abs. (25.1 in.-Hg).
Thomas Div.
a Gardner Denver Co.
1419 Illinois Ave.
Sheboygan, WI 53081
(920) 457-4891