RMS 2800 Series noncontact sensors combine an angular position sensor with resolution of 0.1° and a rotation counter.
Features & benefits
Supply absolute position values and rotational counts up to 16 turns without mechanical gearing, batteries, or optics; use magnetoresistive technology
For industrial, material handling, robotic, and drive-by-wire applications
Track and permanently store shaft rotation and position when power is lost; upon power restoration, detect new position and automatically calculate difference
Position and count information retained without power for years
30-mm diameter, 6-mm shaft diameter, independent linearity to ±0.25%; electrical range to 5,400°, 16-bit resolution; IP54 or IP67 rating
Operate from -40° to 85° C; shock to 50 g and vibration to 20 g
Novotechnik U.S. Inc.
(800) 667-7492