Surface-mount fuses, temperature sensors, and transient-voltage suppressors and capacitors from AVX Corp., Myrtle Beach, S.C., help safeguard batteries from possible catastrophic failure.
The company's AccuGuard II thin-film fuses, said to be the world's smallest, give ultrafast reaction time for batteries vulnerable to fast power surges or spikes. NB Series negative-temperature coefficient thermistors work for temperature compensation and control of dcdc converters in handheld and portable electronics.
Niobium-oxide capacitors use solid electrolyte capacitor technology for nonburn/nonsmoke operation and safely fail in high resistance. Finally, TransGuard bidirectional transient-voltage suppressors withstand repetitive energy pulses. The suppressors also provide ESD protection, EMI attenuation, and subnanosecond response time. Applications for the suppressors include cell-phone battery-charge circuits, LCD screens, and programming ports. AVX says to expect soon a capability guide for the devices, including data sheets, distributed-element models, and other useful design information.
AVX Corp.,