The Gage Check Amplifier from Metronics Inc., Bedford N.H. (, lets users see real-time gage readings, including pass/fail data for critical part dimensions and statisticalprocesscontrol (SPC) charts and histograms. It also sounds alerts when there are out-of-tolerance situations or errors.
The device accepts eight input probes and two outside relay outputs. It is compatible with Heidenhain length gages, air gages, LVDTs, and HBTs. The device can perform over 40 math and trigonometric functions on inputs and a database handles storage and retrieval of measurement data. The unit features a 6-in. color LCD with digital read-out or analog format in dials and vertical or horizontal bars enhanced with color cues to highlight go/ nogo measurements. It connects to PCs and other peripherals, which lets users download data for printouts, reports, and other documentation.