The 96-page 2000 Motion Control Product Catalog from Galil Motion Control Inc., Mountain View, Calif., details the Optima, Econo, and Legacy Series controllers. The catalog features detailed specifications for DMC-based controller models and a motion-controller comparison table. Interface options include ISA, PCI, CompactPCI, PC/104, VME, RS-232, USB, and Ethernet. One to eight-axis versions are available with interchangeable steppers and servomotors on any axis. A 20-page technical reference guide provides an overview on motion control including elements of a servosystem, tuning, and programming. Motion programming and modes of motion such as independent positioning, linear and circular interpolation, electronic gearing, and electronic cams are discussed. The reference section also contains pick-and-place, cut-to-length, rotating knife, and web-tension-control application examples.
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