Special MD Webcast hosted by Editor .
Today's headlines tell a disturbing story about manufacturing in the US. More and more companies are outsourcing engineering and manufacturing jobs offshore to low-wage countries. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says U.S. manufacturing employment has declined 16% in 3 years. Manufacturing jobs are being shifted to China, Mexico, India, and to other places in the Third World. This has brought speculation that manufacturing in the U.S. may never recover.
But can we continue to buy goods if all we sell is services? Can we be a nation that just produces services and still maintain our way of life? How can we survive if our largest exports are jobs and the U.S. dollar?
This Machine Design webcast, hosted by Machine Design Editor will look into these issues and at the long-term effects of outsourcing engineering tasks offshore. We'll examine whether what's taking place today is really a problem, and if so, what industry can do about it.
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
2:00 p.m. EST
Preregistration for this special 75th anniversary Webcast is required.