The 947 sizing system gives glass yarns in aerospace applications higher tensile and compressive strengths than yarns treated with oil or starch-based sizing. Uni-directional general-purpose epoxy laminates manufactured with this fiber have ASTM 3039 tensile strengths of 200 ksi and ASTM D3410 compressive strengths of 125 ksi, 40% and 45% higher, respectively, than traditional E-glass yarns.
Fibers with 947 sizing can be woven into fabric and used in composite applications without heat treatment or cleaning processes that can erode fabric integrity. It is compatible with epoxy, phenolic, and thermoplastic resins. The new sizing system is initially available on DE75 yarn.
AGY, 2556 Wagener Rd., Aiken, SC 29801, (888) 434-0945,