The Jade family of pneumatic diaphragm pumps now feature an electronically commutated BLDC motor. The high torque and speed range of the motor allows stepless variation of pump performance — the flow versus pressure/vacuum curve is more linear than with a standard dc motor or other BLDC motors in this size range.
The motors are equipped with integrated control electronics and are powered by a four-wire cable with male connector. Reference input and motor speed are changed to deliver a wide pneumatic performance range — 2.5 to 11.0 lpm, depending on model. With the increase in pressure, speed is adjusted automatically. The electronic commutation is virtually wear-free and reaches operating life of at least 10,000 hr under standard conditions.
Thomas Division - Sheboygan
Gardner Denver Inc.
1419 Illinois Ave.
Sheboygan, WI 53081
(920) 457 4891