The encoders use light reflection-diffraction interference methodology for long life in heavy-use environments. All models mount in a 1 ± 0.5-mm working distance. The SR-P40 sports a resolution of 2 μm at a maximum travel speed of 4 m/sec. The SR-P200 offers resolutions from 1.0 to 0.4 μm at 4 m/sec maximum, while the SR-P1000 offers resolutions from 0.32 to 0.08 μm at a maximum speed of 1.5 m/sec. All three sensors can use either film (15 to 1,000 mm) or glass (15 to 200 mm) scales with an 80-μm grating pitch.
Canon U.S.A. Inc., One Canon Plaza, Lake Success, NY 11042,
(516) 328-5000,