The first can be configured in software for either servo (with encoder feedback) or high-speed stepper control. The second axis may be a reference encoder or stepper axis. The differential line-driver stepper outputs can be configured for standard simulated quadrature encoder outputs to synchronize multiple units. The unit features true preemptive multitasking of up to three simultaneous processes. The MC302X operates on 40 mA at 24 Vdc and has four 24-V inputs and four bidirectional I/O channels built in with optical isolation. The controller can be expanded up to 256 external I/O channels and 32 analog input channels. The MC302X has an RS-232 programming port and a user-selectable RS-232/485 port for peripherals such as an HMI, bar-code reader, or other ASCII/Modbus serial devices.
Trio Motion Technology, 1000 Gamma Dr., Suite 206, Pittsburgh, PA 15238, (412) 968-9744,