A brass variable-area flowmeter performs as a flow-rate indicator by monitoring process applications under pressures to 3,500 psi, temperatures to 240°F, and other conditions. The unit's indicator ring's linear movement gives a direct visual reading against the vertically graduated flow scale, eliminating further calculations or corrections. The meter lets users see changes in flow rate that may indicate a problem or wear and tear on the pump. The flowmeter can be installed directly into horizontal or vertical lines or with an inverted flow scale to monitor flow in a downward line. Indication accuracy is ±2% of full scale with repeatability within 1% in any mounting direction. The unit requires no flow straighteners or special lengths of straight inlet piping to stabilize turbulent flow patterns.
Racine Federated Inc., 8635 Washington Ave., Racine, WI 53406, (800) 433-5263, hedland.com