NAFEMS is an independent not-for-profit body with the sole aim of promoting the effective use of engineering simulation methods such as finite element analysis, multibody system dynamics and computational fluid dynamics.
The NAFEMS World Congress will be the International Congress on Simulation Technology for the Engineering Analysis Community. This conference will bring together world leading industrial practitioners, consultancies, academic researchers and software developers with a common interest in engineering analysis.
Simulation is now established in many engineering companies as part of their product development process. Whilst the conference will cover many aspects of the use of simulation, a particular focus will be how the appropriate deployment of simulation can lead to a further competitive advantage through helping to stimulate innovation.
Held at the Westin Bayshore Hotel, Vancouver, on May 22nd-25th 2007, the NAFEMS World Congress 2007 is easily accessible from across the globe.
We are inviting papers from all areas of engineering simulation, including the areas listed below. If you are interested in submitting an abstract for consideration, please register your interest at and we will get back to you with further information. The deadline for Abstract Submission is September 18, 2006.
Current Industrial Applications and Future Industrial Needs
Confidence in Engineering Analysis Results
Modelling Techniques
Integration of Analysis into the Design Process
Modelling of Materials
Failure Prediction and Assessment
Variational Studies
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Heat Transfer
Manufacturing Processes
Multi-Body System Dynamics (MBS)
Education and Training
Software Development
Injection Moulding Simulation
Virtual Reality
NAFEMS Press Contact
David Quinn
Phone: +44 (0) 13 55 22 56 88
E-mail: [email protected]