AllMotion Inc., announced immediate availability of its EZSV10 DC Brush Servo Driver, the smallest fully programmable DC servo driver and controller on the market.
The AllMotion EZSV10 measures just 0.95" x 1.4" x 0.6" (24mm x 35mm x 15.24mm) smaller than a standard quadrature encoder and requires little or no tuning when used with most motors measuring less than 1.5" in diameter. A single 4-wire bus (2 power, 2 communications) can daisychain up to 16 DC motors simultaneously.
The fully intelligent driver/controller accepts high-level commands from a serial port to control motors at 1.5 Amp continuous, from 12V-40V. Programming the EZSV10 is intuitive; first-time users can make their servo motor move intelligently in usually less than half an hour.
"AllMotion's EZSV10 is engineered for rapid implementation. Our goal is to reduce cost for integrators. The EZSV10 enables miniature robotics and instrumentation with unparalleled ease," said AllMotion President David Goodin. And all of this in a package the size of your thumb, making fully distributed control possible in miniature motion control applications like never before."
The compact and intelligent EZSV10 provides the most precise motion control available, offering immediate integration with most any OEM instrumentation. The EZSV10 positioning system is designed to meet the most demanding automation requirements in a range of applications, including medical, scientific, optical and general automation.
The AllMotion EZSV10 is capable of standalone operation with no connection to a PC, with an onboard EEPROM for user program storage. It can be set to execute a string of commands on power-up. Commands can also be issued from any serial terminal program (such as HyperTerminal) or from the EZServo/Stepper Windows application.
The AllMotion EZSV10 communicates by way of ASCII commands to set operating parameters such as velocity, acceleration and position. The commands are intuitive and simple, and its industry-standard communication protocol is compatible with devices that use the Cavro DT or OEM protocol.
Select Features:
- 2 Amp peak, 1.5 Amp continuous DC brush motor driver/controller
- Operates from 12V-40V
- Stand alone or PC controlled operation
- Position, Velocity and Torque modes
- Industry standard communications protocol
- Quadrature encoder based feedback
- RS232 or RS485 based communication
- 4-wire EZBus links up to 16 Stepper/Servo motors
- Fully programmable ramps and speeds
- Switch selectable device address
- Software selectable maximum currents
- 0.95" x 1.4" x 0.6" (24mm x 35mm x 15.24mm)
More Information:
AllMotion, Inc.