Nanomotion Controller

Oct. 20, 2005
The Nano C controller uses at least 2 DSP/axis for a 20-kHz control loop and features sinusoidal commutation for 3 θ brushless servomotors.

Two encoders per axis provide subnanometer interpolation. The MMI software is compatible with Windows 2000 and XP, C/C++ API, and LabView, with communication via Ethernet or serial port. The user interface provides access to Bode plots, FFT, and dynamic graphing of feedback. Quick-step and settle moves are created by user-configurable high, low, and notch filters. The unit is housed in a 6U rack-mount enclosure.

Schneeberger Inc., 11 DeAngelo Dr., Bedford, MA 01730, (781) 271-0140,

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