Solid Edge V16 has increased capabilities to Systems Design and Hybrid 2D/3D strategies. The enhancements include adjustable parts, fastener systems, and dynamic families of assemblies. |
The software can design assemblies with more than 100,000 parts. XpresRoute technology (includes wiring and tubing, $995) creates predefined paths for pipes to follow through an assembly. Once established, paths are populated with the proper pipes and fittings to create a virtual mockup of the piping system complete with bills of material and cut lists. Standard piping libraries may be user-defined or licensed separately ($495).
Frame Design develops rigid frame structures for process equipment and other machinery by creating a 3D sketch of a frame skeleton. Standard structural cross sections are then used to create a 3D model of the frame along with a cut list for bill-of-material and downstream processing.
UGS, Solid Edge Marketing, 675 Discovery Dr. NW, Suite 100, Huntsville, AL 35806, (256) 705-2500, ugs.com