PIC24F microcontrollers now include devices with 28 or 44 pins, 16 to 64 kbyte of Flash memory, and up to 8-kbyte RAM. According to the manufacturer, PIC24FJ64GA002 microcontrollers provide more onboard memory than other 28-pin, 16-bit microcontrollers. And PIC24FJ64GA004s provide pin mapping features that lets designers map peripherals to pins. PIC24Fs feature two independent channels, so they can communicate to a number of devices using multiple protocols. The chips are supported by the free MPLAB Integrated Development Environment software, which graphically helps designers map pins and initialize code.
Microchip Technology Inc., 2355 West Chandler Blvd., Chandler, Arizona, 85224, (480) 792-7200, www.microchip.com