The processors can be used in one, two, three, and four-axis configurations to control any combination of motors. The chips feature programmable PID filters with velocity and acceleration feedforward, 32-bit position error, 50-μsec loop time, and four selectable profile modes, including S-curve, trapezoidal, velocity contouring, and electronic gearing.
The chips are driven by a host microprocessor using a CANbus 2.0B, 8, or 16-bit parallel bus, or an asynchronous serial port. Analog inputs include eight 10-bit inputs for parameters such as position, velocity, and acceleration to generate corresponding trajectories. The chips accept feedback from incremental encoders at 10 megacounts/ sec or from an absolute encoder or resolver at 160 megacounts/ sec.
Performance Motion Devices Inc.,
55 Old Bedford Rd.,
Lincoln, MA 01773,
(781) 674-9860,