It is a system-on-chip combining integrated Hall elements, analog front end, and digital signal processing in a single device. The AS5243 provides two separate user-programmable analog outputs for angular range, voltage range, voltage or current mode output, and so forth. An internal voltage regulator lets the device operate from 3.3 or 5.0-V supplies. The AS5243 can detect 1,024 absolute positions over a full (360°), half (180°), and quarter (90°) turn that represents a minimum resolution of 0.087°. Additional features include a user-programmable zero position and a safety feature that constantly monitors the presence of the magnet. The device comes in a 7 x 7-mm QFN32 package.
Austriamicrosystems AG
Tobelbaderstrasse 30, Schloss Premstaetten A 8141
Unterpremstaetten, Austria
+43 3136 500-0