The 598 Series SMD LEDs are chip-style devices with a low profile that are RoHS compliant. Most of them conform to ANSI/VITA 40, the standard for LED color in status indicators. Initial offerings include right-angle LEDs in single colors, as well as two and three-color packages. The 0603 (1.6 × 0.8× 0.7 mm), 0805 (2.0 ×1.25 ×1.1 mm), and 1206 Series (3.2 × 1.4 × 0.7 mm) provide luminous intensities of 20 to 300 mcd at 20 mA, depending on color. The 1208 Series is rated at 28 to 220 mcd. All are available in red, red-orange, orange, yellow, yellow-green, green, and blue. The 0603, 0805, and 1206 Series feature a 140° viewing angle; the 1208 Series has a 160° viewing angle.
Dialight Corp.,
1501 Route 34 S, Farmingdale, NJ 07727,
(732) 751-5860,