The application kit includes a Reach Technology SLCD controller board, a 5.7-in. TFT Hitachi color display, development software, and an RCM3720 Ethernet RabbitCore. The application kit also includes a NEMA-4 enclosure. The SLCD controller lets an LCD graphic display be accessed as an intelligent-serial device. User-defined bitmaps via standard desktop tools provide a modern-looking interface and include tabbed document interface pages and different types of controls such as radio buttons and check boxes. The touch interface enables buttons to be defined onscreen and return a serial string when pushed. The RCM3720 is a microprocessor core module designed for Ethernet/Internet applications. It features 512k Flash/256k SRAM, four serial ports, and a small (2.95 1.20-in.) platform footprint.
Rabbit Semiconductor Inc., 2900 Spafford St., Davis, CA 95616, (530) 757-8400,