The Equalizer-Model D4 Differential shaft represents the latest technology for converting dust-free rolls with superior structure. Precise control of tension as low as 0.1 lb/linear in. (pli) allows converters to run ultrathin films. A special two-row, 12-ball, torque-activated core-lock design keeps tension equalized across any combination of roll widths.
Core-slip differential air shafts also provide tension equalization across any combination of roll widths. The Equalizer-Model D2 works for repeated slit-widths with operator-positioned, toolless core stops that can be set and retained through multiple runs. The Model D3 works for repeated or varying slit width runs with automatically positioned core stops.
Tidland Corp., Box 1008, Camas, WA 98607, (800) 426-1000, www.tidland.com