These programmable pushbutton switches and displays have RGB LED backlighting that obeys commands supplied via the SPI communications protocol. The devices feature a programmable and changeable 64 32-pixel LCD module with 64backlit colors that display graphics, alphanumeric characters, or animated sequences, including four lines of text with up to 10 characters/line.
Both products incorporate bitmap display functions with a variable brightness backlight, in eight steps from dark to bright. A liquid-crystal display provides a wide viewing angle with high contrast and clarity. The SmartSwitch and SmartDisplay have a FSTN positive black-and-white LCD mode, with a LED backlight that generates 64 colors. Epoxy-sealed straight PC terminals prevent entry of solder flux and other contaminants. The switch has a 15.0 10.8-mm viewing area; the display has a 13.9 10.6-mm viewing area.
NKK Switches
7850 E. Gelding Dr.
Scottsdale, AZ 85260
(480) 991-0942