The pumps provide reliable, trouble-free performance, easy maintenance, and sport leakproof, sealless magnetic drives with friction-free operation for reduced-power consumption. The magnetic drive eliminates many problems related to shaft seals, including leakage and power-draining friction. The unit can be made of a broad range of materials, and it's easy to service without special tools. Full-motor horsepower transfers to pumping power without power lost to seal friction. And there is no maintenance caused by inevitable seal wear.
Under adverse conditions, the magnetic drive acts as a clutch to eliminate overloading and motor burnouts. In pumps for highly corrosive applications, all components exposed to chemicals are either encapsulated or molded of resistant plastics. Metals are used if plastics are not compatible with the solution being handled.
March Mfg. Inc.,
1819 Pickwick Ave., Glenview, IL 60025,
(847) 729-5300,