After carefully reviewing their Bill of Materials for all Industrial products (IRt/c, SmartIRt/c, XMTR, SnakeEye, D Series, DX Series, E Series and all accessories), Exergen has found replaceable RoHS compliant materials for the non RoHS compliant materials. Exergen Corporation will therefore be able to manufacture RoHS compliant products for the complete industrial product line.
Any order placed after July 1, 2006 to be shipped to Japan or Europe will be automatically manufactured as RoHS compliant and will be identified with a label on the package. The serial # identification can be traced back to the Production Batch Traveler to ensure the unit was manufactured with RoHS compliant materials. Orders shipped anywhere but Japan or Europe requiring RoHS compliant products, must be ordered as RoHS, and then the product will be manufactured with RoHS compliant materials. If the purchase order does not state RoHS required, the product will be manufactured with non-RoHS materials.
When all non-RoHS materials are extinguished from our inventory, all products will be RoHS (no requests required). This date is not determined at this moment.
The performance and quality of the Exergen product line will not change with the RoHS compliant materials. Any assurance for specific products or questions should be directed to [email protected], referencing the date of purchase, specific product number.
Robert W. Harris
Exergen Industrial Sales Manager
Exergen Corporation
400 Pleasant Street
Watertown, MA 02472
Phone: (617) 923-9900, ext 6238
E-mail: [email protected]