The FENA-01 Ethernet Adapter supports both EtherNet/ IP and Modbus/ TC P protocols for the company’s ACS350 drive line. The implementation of the Modbus- TC P server in the FENA-01 adapter is completed according to the Modbus Application Protocol Specification v1.1a and the Modbus Messaging on TC P/IP Implementation Guide v1.0a. The EtherNet/IP protocol is managed by the Open DeviceNet Vendor Association (OD VA), and is a variant of the Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) family of communication protocols intended for supervision and control of automation equipment. ABB is a participating member of ODVA, owning EtherNet/IP vendor ID.
ABB Inc.
16250 W. Glendale Dr.
New Berlin, WI 53151
(262) 785-3200
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