New Products: Boron-Filled Plastic Shapes

Dec. 8, 2008
Borotron HD050 is a high-density polyethylene (HDPE) with 5% elemental boron to provide extra shielding against neutron radiation.

The combination of boron within a matrix of HDPE works well in nuclear-shielding applications. Hydrogen-rich materials attenuate neutrons and boron absorbs thermalized neutrons.

Available in 1 48 96-in. plates, the material is for use in shielding radiation-therapy rooms, nuclear-research centers, nuclear-power plants, power-generation areas in nuclear submarines, nuclear-detection device production areas, and spacecraft exposed to radiation.

Quadrant Engineering Plastic Products
2120 Fairmont Ave.
Box 14235
Reading, PA 19612
(610) 320-6600

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