New Products: Multiaxis Servodrive

Dec. 9, 2008
The Compax3M (C3M) industrial servodrive is designed for multiaxis applications.

The Compax3M (C3M) industrial servodrive is designed for multiaxis applications. The unit powers multiple drives using a single power supply. Three power levels are available with continuous current output of 5, 10, and 15 A. The centralized power supply lets differing ac voltages be used on the entire drive combination without adaptive measures. The unit has an axis width of only 2 in. for the 5, 10 and 15-A power stages and 4 in. for an upcoming 30-A power stage. Common bus design reduces overall wiring. The C3M can be used with the company’s Ethernet Powerlink-enabled multiaxis controller. DeviceNet, Profibus, and CANopen interfaces are available.

The C3M communicates at the central power module with a USB connection, which then transmits the commutations signal to each of the following axis units. The servodrive can be configured as a simple “dumb” drive controlled by a motion controller or as a fully intelligent drive that can be programmed in all international standard languages defined in the IEC61131-3 specification.

Parker Electromechanical Automation
5500 Business Park Dr.
Rohnert Park, CA 94928
(707) 584-7558,

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