The iLoad Pro Series digital load/ force sensors are available in capacities ranging from 1o to 25,000 lb to measure compressive and tensile loads at accuracies up to 0.05% of full scale. iLoad PRO Digital USB sensors plug into the USB port of a PC and let users measure loads, forces, or weights without additional signal conditioning, data-acquisition system, or special software. The sensor appears as a virtual COM port on a PC, letting users read data using simple ASCII commands with a terminal emulator such as HyperTerminal. Users can also write Window applications with the open command set that comes standard with all digital load sensors. The iLoad PRO Analog sensor is built on the same digital platform as the USB version but interfaces to a PLC orDAQ. It offers a linear, 0.5 to 4.5-Vdc output proportional to applied loads. Compensation schemes are included, temperatures ranging between –10° to 40°C.
Loadstar Sensors Inc.
453 Ravendale Dr. Suite F
Mountain View, CA 94043
(650) 938-4282