The Vespel SCP Series high-temperature- capable, lightweight polyimides are said to have less than 10% of the weight loss of traditional polyimides after 100 hr at 371°C.
SCP-5050 and SCP-50094 contain fillers that cut friction and boost wear resistance. Filled SCP-5050 loses 63% less thickness than other polyimides in wear testing at 343°C. Its CTE matches that of stainless steel.
SCP-5000 parts are unfilled, but have 60% higher compression strength at 5% strain than other polyimides at ambient temperature and a 30% higher strength at 260°C. They retain 50% of their original strength up to 10 times longer than other polyimides at 370 to 430°C.
E.I. duPont de Nemours & Co.
1007 Market St.
Wilmington, DE 19898
(800) 222-8377