WTS10 weld cap sensors check the quality of welding cap fronts and detect faults such as inclusions, faulty dressing, or burrs. These diffuse-mode sensors provide stability against discrepancies in the cap’s position and angle. Upper and lower welding caps are checked simultaneously and provide prefault (near the limit) indication for proactive maintenance. A pushbutton teach mode facilitates quick and easy sensor programming.
The sensors have a scratch-resistant mineral glass lens, provide ±2-mm position and ±1.5° tilt-angle tolerance, and a consistent 2 to 12-mm detection range, regardless of the cap’s length or if it is brand new or a fully dressed tip. Highly visible LEDs provide status indication for “good,” “prefault” and “fault” weld-tip status.
1600 Enterprise Pkwy.
Twinsburg, OH 44087
(330) 486-0001