Most designers faced with specifying an industrial enclosure will size it to be as compact as possible to save space and provide greater flexibility in locating the enclosure exactly where its needed.
Eventually the enclosure will need to be modified for pushbuttons, cable entry, and drive access. Traditionally, this means taking an off-the-shelf enclosure and making modifications later, which can be expensive, time consuming, and inexact.
With “Rapid Customization,” these modifications take place at the fabrication stage, where the enclosure is designed and built to order, creating a compact and efficient unit. Cutouts, doors, and other extras are included in the initial design and lasered out early in the fabrication stage, resulting in a more-efficient and exact process, while producing a product that’s better suited to the application. These customautomation solutions can be deployed quickly, without going over budget, to maintain balance between plant-floor requirements, quality, and operator productivity.
First in the process is material selection. Systems for general industrial use are made from carbon steel and aluminum, which gives the interior components a high degree of protection. Displays should be protected by a durable overlay, typically Lexan. Stainless steel is the preferred material for wash-down and wipe-down environments as it provides a higher degree of cleanability and corrosion resistance.
Another key factor is locatability — being able to install the interface exactly where needed. A wide variety of mounting options are available, including wall mounting, pedestal mounting on a floor post or bench, or attached to an articulating arm for easy repositioning.
On this score, the Vertica arm provides three levels of vertical travel up to 30 in., and its counterbalanced adjustability provides smooth, ergonomic articulation. It also lets operators adjust the display to their personal preference.
Strongarm Designs Inc.
425 Caredean Dr.
Horsham, PA 19044
(215) 443-3400