The UV1000-PM is a universal programmable verbalizer that can verbalize and display process signals such as 0 to 10 Vdc, 0 to 20 mA, or 4 to 20 mA, and type-J, K, T, and R thermocouple signals. A built-in speaker and external loudspeaker provide clear and loud sounds of the UV1000-PM’s verbalized signals while connected to sensors or other measurement and control devices. Features of the verbalizer include dual alarm outputs with adjustable deadband, scalable analog input, multicolor LED display, PC interface software, and command/ continuous speech selection with volume control. The units are not for use in medical applications. Over 100 built-in audible engineering units are available.Omega Engineering Inc., One Omega Dr., Stamford, CT 06907, (203) 359-1660,
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