Incremental rotary encoder - Pepperl+Fuchs

May 27, 2010
The MNI40 is a magnetic, noncontact incremental rotary encoder with intelligent diagnostics.

The MNI40 is a magnetic, noncontact incremental rotary encoder with intelligent diagnostics that delivers 3,600-pulses/rev resolution at 30,000  rev/min and operates –40 to100°C.
The encoder features a two-color LED display that provides information on proper assembly, reducing installation time and test-equipment requirements.

The encoder uses a zero-contact (magnetic) connection between its sensor and magnetic wheel, which lets it measure speed without ball bearings, eliminating bearing wear due to mechanical forces. The sensor’s electronics are housed in a IP67-rated enclosure and an elastomer-coated magnetic wheel, preventing damage from water and oil.

Pepperl+Fuchs, 1600 Enterprise Pkwy., Twinsburg, OH 44087; (330) 486-0001,

© 2010 Penton Media, Inc.

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