The DL850 ScopeCorder combines the benefits of a high-speed oscilloscope and a data-acquisition recorder to measure physical and electrical parameters in the automotive industry, mechatronics, transport, power electronics, and alternative energy.
The DL850 features higher-speed acquisition over a large number of channels, the ability to carry out real-time recording, a powerful user interface, comprehensive range of PC-interfacing capabilities, and acquisition speeds up to 100 MS/sec.
An isoPRO 1-kV isolated input module, when combined with the 100 MS/sec acquisition speed and 12-bit resolution, makes the DL850 suited to measurements on high-speed switching inverters.
The ScopeCorder can accommodate up to 128 channels of assorted types including isolated, simultaneously sampled modules. Users can arbitrarily combine 15 module types, supporting direct inputs from popular sensors like thermocouples, accelerometers, strain gages, and tachometers. For electrical measurements, an RMS-coupled mode lets it monitor and trigger off changes in RMS levels.
The DL850 consists of 10.4-in. LCD display, internal hard-disk drive, a thermal printer, three USB ports, an Ethernet port, an e-SATA port, a video port, a GPIB port, and a SD-card slot.
Yokogawa Corp. of America, 2 Dart Rd., Newan, GA 30265, (800) 888-6400,
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