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A new line of inch and metric idler rollers have high coefficients of friction, low compression set, and install on driveshafts via adhesive bonding, press fits on knurled shafts, and conventional setscrews.
The A 7ZB5-UR Series consists of 12 inch rollers that feature 60-durometer urethane rolling surfaces with ground ODs. Features include 0.500 to 1.988-in. ODs, 0.1250 to 0.3750‑in. bores, and 0.250 to 1.000-in. face widths.
Twelve metric rollers make up the A 7ZB5MUR Series with 12 to 50-mm ODs, 3 to 8-mm bores, and 6.35 to 25.4-mm face widths.
Stock Drive Products/Sterling Instrument, 2101 Jericho Turnpike, Box 5416, New Hyde Park, NY 11042, (516) 328-3300, www.sdp-si.com