Have a little fun
If you're looking for some fun diversions during the workday, then stop by our website. This month, we're featuring another Pop Quiz — this one about inventors who changed the world with their inspirations. Even better is the prize — the book What Einstein Told His Cook: Kitchen Science Explained by Robert L. Wolke. He reveals interesting facts, such as whether alcohol really boils off and whether green potatoes are really poisonous. Try your hand at discovering the founders of double helical gears, the first bobbin-free sewing machine, and more!
Also, don't miss the latest episodes of Engineering TV. Two episodes about Near Field Communications (NFC) discuss how it uses Bluetooth-enabled cell phones to simplify information accessibility by using tags loaded with information like URLs, directions, phone numbers, appointments, and more. Three other episodes depict the iRobot Warrior, the next generation of remote control robotic vehicles.
Seeing clearly
Improving navigation was the goal of a redesigned website, www.edmundsoptics.com, from Edmund Optics (EO), Barrington, N.J., a supplier of industrial optics and optical components. The site is geared towards optical researchers, designers, and OEM users, and features more than 15,000 optical products, components, and instruments. An online discussion forum, forum.edmundoptics.com, will serve as a resource that allows users to connect with each other globally, as well as with EO professionals and engineering staff. Edmunds added a lens and camera selection tool, laser spot size calculator, and improved shopping cart and checkout procedures.