We invite you to spend some time at Motion System Design's new highly organized website. New features include links to blogs and useful papers. You'll also find online-exclusive content — related to articles, Fun with Fundamentals winners and prizes, and more. Check it out.
Online catalog features 6,000+ products
A 1,900-page volume from Automation Direct, Cumming, Ga., includes descriptions, technical data, and photos of operator interface panels, motors, drives, sensors, encoders, pushbuttons, switches, and more. To order your free copy of the product catalog, visit automationdirect.com. A free demo version of the company's programming software is also available from the site.
Easier enclosure research
Information about enclosure products and services can be found at the new hoffmanonline.com. The site of Hoffman of Pentair, Anoka, Minn., it also includes a new search tool that enables users to enter product-specific criteria to more quickly find components that meet size, rating, and material requirements.