Oct. 1, 2005
Looking for a number I really enjoyed your most recent Fun with Fundamentals problem in the September 2005 issue. For some reason it wasn't identified

Looking for a number

I really enjoyed your most recent “Fun with Fundamentals” problem in the September 2005 issue. For some reason it wasn't identified as problem #281, consistent with all previous problems.

In future issues, please make sure the “Fun with Fundamentals” problem has an assigned number as many of my colleagues and I often discuss each one. It becomes complicated if the problem doesn't have an assigned number.

Many thanks and keep up the good job as we all missed “Fun with Fundamentals” in the extended period prior to 2005. Without our monthly ‘fix,’ it seemed like the world had stopped turning. Regards to editor, Larry Berardinis. We appreciate his efforts as well.
Jasper Jones
[email protected]

We will be adding to Fun with Fundamentals in 2006. Stay tuned …

In the know

Thank you for your piece in the August MSD. It really puts a perspective on the difference between radical Christians like Pat Robertson who will reflect on his actions and apologize if necessary and radical Muslims who speak murder openly. (I almost did not read the article because of the title, though; it sounded touchy-feely). I am able to sell my textiles and feed my family because our country is protected by the Department of Defense, and others who receive too little thanks.

My sister worked out in an Atlanta Gym and remembered saying hello to the young Mr. Atta. He did not return the hello. And she remembers feeling something creepy about the fellow.

We are not fighting in vain.
John Eppes
Luftex Inc.
Toccoa, Georgia

Thanks for putting the “Getting to know you” article together. It is just what this country needs. When will it be available on the website?
Ken Kalies
Project Engineer
Hoffco Comet
Richmond, Ind.

The August “In the Loop” has been posted to our website.

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