Stay tuned to Motion System Design's website, which is currently undergoing a redesign. Have some thoughts on how it might serve you better? We welcome your suggestions. E-mail ideas to [email protected].
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For product lookup has just launched a new version of its portal that boosts the quantity of product specification, and adds new listings. Over 300,000 pages have been enriched with new specifications, multiplying seven-fold the amount of information available.
The site's familiar search engine remains unchanged.
CAD files online
Downloadable CAD models of ballscrews and leadscrew-related products are now available at
Made available by Kerk Motion Products, Inc., the files allow designers to view a variety of motion control products from all angles, and configure them based on specific requirements. Powered by 3D Part-Stream, a division of Solid Works, users can quickly and easily download models in several formats. Viewing models include 2D, 3D, and 360° rotating models.